

Thursday 2 May 2013

5 Foreign Embassies Expect BN To Win!

Malaysian election doesn't just seem important for Malaysians, for some reason, even foreign countries are exited over the coming GE. It is said that this is the 'mother' of all elections in Malaysian history, the clash of two very different parties, with one hoping to change everything, from landscape to the basic structure of this country. 

In another angle, this election is just another one of the elections Barisan Nasional has to go through, the competition to maintain in power. 

In other words, GE is just a platform for BN to keep on providing its service to rakyat no matter who leads.
However, for PR, it is more than that. For PR leaders, election is something personal. Because, if BN leaders change from time to time, PR has shown the same leaders years after years after years. 

So, these PR leaders obviously are not fighting for the party, instead, they are gambling with their 'lives'.
Considering that most of them are getting 'slightly' old, the slogan ‘Ini Kalilah’ (This time, lah) somehow reflect how desperate they are. Because if they lose this time around, they are ‘matilah’ (dead, lah). 

Sadly, we have bad news for these PR leaders, news found by internal source regarding the prediction on the coming GE.
It seems that five foreign embassies believe that BN will win once again with bigger majority than GE2008. The embassies include China, Taiwan, Indonesia, Japan and United States.
We know that the church in Jerusalem, Israel did send this 'motivational' video to boost the moral for PR in facing the coming GE. 

The church even seem confident with PR's victory and celebrated the 'victory' a bit too early by 'welcoming Malaysia' into their 'group', and together they will head through the blessings of the Lord.
However, considering the principal of democracy, prediction from one side cannot be taken into consideration to be compared to predictions made by the 5 foreign embassies. 

Besides, predictions made by foreign embassies are usually credible because they are not involved with the rakyat's sentiments. They also do not have to spread false predictions because giving the right information is vital for them to set the next step towards their relationship with Malaysia, especially in terms of trade. 

Thus, we hope that PR leaders are prepared to accept their loss positively. We cannot coax them by changing their slogan to ‘Lain Kalilah’ (Maybe next time) because we know with their age, the term ‘Lain Kalilah’ seem irrelevant.
Anwar stated that if he lose, he would retire and teach in France, perhaps because France just recently passed the law of same-sex marriage, 

Meanwhile, Lim Kit Siang stated that he is prepared to accept his 'death' in Gelang Patah. Nik Aziz in the other hand, might somehow 'retire without him knowing', if he loses this time around. And then there's Hadi Awang. Hadi Awang however, said that he would rather be a fisherman, as long as Islam wins.
And we are certain that Islam will keep on winning under BN and no one can threaten kalimah Allah if PR loses. 

With this guarantee, we hope that Hadi Awang would not be nervous over the early predictions given by those embassies.
Anwar, Kit Siang and Nik Aziz however have no other choice but to be nervous until 'd-day'. As mentioned earlier, we understand how important this GE is for them.
After all, they did spent their whole lives for this race for power that they did not even get to enjoy what the world has to offer. 

They are haunted with issues, despite of being entertained by China Doll, pretty boys or call-girls, and despite of their tons of money. Somehow, as GE comes, it seems like life has been wasted, right?

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